Kais DevBlog

More or less structred thoughts

Integrating a Telegram Bot with Structr (Part 2 - WebHooks)

Posted in Structr by Kai on Apr 09, 2021

In part 1 of this article, we got the basic Telegram integration going. As it often goes, in the initial version the easiest approach was used and now that we know a bit more, we want to implement a better approach. We would like to use the WebHooks feature of the Telegram API. This reduces load on our server and we also don't spam their servers with requests. Luckily with Structr and our previous code this is pretty easy. We are basically 90% there. In this article we will enable WebHooks in our project and figure out the remaining 10%.

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Integrating a Telegram Bot with Structr (Part 1)

Posted in Structr by Kai on Feb 16, 2021

Push notifications are (kind of) awesome! But unless you want to go the extra mile and create a native mobile application for you web application, you are often stuck with emails. That is not necessarily a bad thing though, emails are robust, everyone has an email address and it is unintrusive most of the time. But sometimes you really want (or even need push notifications). Using a messenger app with an API is a simple solution - in this post I'll take a quick look at how to integrate a Telegram Bot with Structr.

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